I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 66 - Quinn Richmond

While the 200-odd men gazed at her fiercely, Estelle Xiao took a breathe and calmed herself down.

She did not need to need to arrest everyone. If she can at least catch the bosses, it would at least scare the crowd and let them know they cannot just break the law as they please!

Furthermore, she was stronger than some ordinary ruffians!

"Who are your bosses? Tell them to come out and turn themselves in peacefully, or be prepared to face the fury of my fists!" Estelle Xiao shouted while putting away her handgun in its holster before cracking her knuckles and taking a combat stance.

Since the higher-ups were corrupted by money, she had to be flexible around the rules.

Ultimately, what she wanted to enforce was not the law but her sense of righteousness that would guarantee the wellbeing of the common people suffering under the terrorizing gangs.

"Haa?! What did you say? You want our bosses to turn themselves in? You must be dreamin—yo, this lass is pretty cute."

One of the men made their way over intimidatingly before he was surprised after a good look at Officer Xiao.

As the person tried to reach out with his hands and lift up Estelle\'s chin daringly for a better look, he saw the blurry shadows of a kick coming from the corner of his eyes.


The person was quickly knocked out cold from a single swift kick to the head from Estelle Xiao before he could even react.

The surrounding men were surprised before it quickly transformed into rage.

"Son of a b*tch! I don\'t care if you are a woman! Brothers, let\'s f*ck her up!"


The person\'s cry quickly received consensus before everyone surrounded Estelle Xiao and attacked her from different directions with their bats, steel poles, table legs, and knives.

Nevertheless, an untrained mob of ruffians was no match for Estelle Xiao.

In a short instance, she immediately snatched a steel pole from one of the men before beating down four dozen men—whilst evading all their attacks within the narrowed space she had!

"Aiyoo! I think my arm broke!"

"Careful! This woman is strong!"

The four dozen men groaned on the ground while the rest paused with some distance between them, unwilling to charge forward and become the next victim.

Albion did nothing except quietly observe their battle from atop the three-story building.

"Her strength is around the late-stage Foundation Realm, huh?" He quietly gauged the police officer\'s attainment in martial arts.

The Foundation Realm was the first realm of martial arts. It was the realm of training one\'s body, the core of martial arts. As such, it was called the Foundation Realm.

Most of the well-trained bodybuilders in the old world would be around the late-stage Foundation Realm in strength.

However, without martial arts or combat experience, they cannot even beat early-stage Foundation Realm Martial Artists.

Foundation Realm Martial Artists were also called Martial Art Experts, or Experts for short.

"This does give her the confidence to deal with ordinary ruffians. However, the bosses of the Declan Gang and Yan Gang should be at the peak-stage Foundation Realm." Albion mused with an impassive look.

No matter what, the Foundation Realm was still the realm of what was considered to be ordinary humans.

Only by entering the Initiate Realm and mastering the usage of Inner Force, becoming a Martial Art Master, could they breakthrough the shackles of ordinary and be considered superhumans.

After seeing Albion remained aloof with no intention of interfering with the situation, Reagan Declan assumed the big boss expected them to resolve the problem themselves.

The big boss did not need to make a move personally.

Reagan Declan nodded at this thought before he shouted, "Move aside, I will deal with this woman!"

The surrounding men quickly cleared a path for Reagan Declan.

Nevertheless, they were surprised before one of them asked with concern, "Will you be alright, boss? But your hand…"

"Do you think I need both hands to deal with some woman with a bit of martial arts?" Reagan Declan snorted before making his way through the crowd.

"I know you. You\'re Reagan Declan, the Declan Gang\'s leader. Where are the other gang leaders? I\'m putting you all under arrest today for all the felonies you\'ve committed!" Estelle Xiao stated firmly.

"Just you? I, alone am enough to deal with you!" Reagan Declan snorted before gesturing, "Come, show what you got, little missy. Do you know what kind of fate awaits pretty women who stumbles into the wolves\' den?"

Estelle Xiao\'s eyes immediately turned cold at Reagan Declan\'s grin and impudent gaze.

"You\'re asking for a beating!" She spat before launching a swift kick at Reagan Declan\'s head.

However, her kick was quickly blocked by Reagan Declan\'s palm.

Even so, Reagan Declan was forced back a few steps to the side before he shook away his numb hand with surprise.

"Not bad. It seems you are not just all bark and no bite," Reagan Declan said before taking a combat stance with a more serious expression, "Come, let\'s go again!"

Shortly after, Estelle Xiao and Reagan Declan engaged in an intense exchange of blows between experts.

Silvercove City.

Late at night, Klein Seymour was called over to a private laboratory in the city belonging to a good friend of his, a middle-aged scientific researcher in biogenetics by the name of Quinn Richmond.

"Why did you call me over at this time of the night, Quinn? Did you finish finding out the composition of that brick—Ahem, that thing I gave you?" Klein Seymour inquired awkwardly.

"No, not yet. It\'s not that easy to find its composition. After all, it\'s some pretty tough sh*t to crack… get it? Tough sh*t to crack, hahaha!" Quinn Richmond shook his head before he guffawed at his own joke.

Klein Seymour glanced at his friend speechlessly before he helplessly said, "If that is all you called me over for, I am going back home to sleep."

"Hahaha, don\'t." Quinn Richmond stopped Klein Seymour from leaving with a chuckled before he said, "Actually, I did find out some stuff and wanted to talk to about this. Where did you get your hands on such a piece of refined turd, anyway?"

Klein Seymour was brought over to the glove box, where Albion\'s brick turd could be seen through the transparent glass.

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