Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 493: Training and Testing

"Boy. Wait a minute." The two bandits looked at Te Jofy, "what can you do with our petty fighting techniques? We’ll go find someone else’s..."

Just in a blink, the two bandits had left. Qian Jin looked to Te Jofy in sheer surprise. Why did this bandit group always act so strange and abrupt?


"They are searching for others." Te Jofy came lose to Qian Jin. "They feel their fighting techniques might not suit you or won’t let you become stronger. So, they’re borrowing from some other people."

"For me?" Qian Jin felt even more surprised. Generally, one’s fighting technique would be kept as secret as not to be lent to anybody else. What was wrong today?

"Boy, you are an ordinary warrior, aren’t you?" Te Jofy looked at Qian Jin calmly. "You know what ordinary warriors dream of?"

Qian Jin pondered for a while, and then frowned and asked, "You mean... to defeat all bloodline warriors?"

Te Jofy nodded hard. "For all these years, the strongest ordinary warriors come from the Fanta Family. But still, none of them could defeat the top-leveled bloodline warriors."

Qian Jin nodded his head slightly, as he had heard from Fanta Kunge numerous times that his family had been adorned as the spiritual support of the Zence Empire, but never had they knocked down the top-leveled bloodline warriors.

"The Fanta Family..."Te Jofy wore a faint frustration on his face. "They may have invincible wills, but in respect of skills they are overshadowed."

Qian Jin opened his mouth slightly and looked to Te Jofy. He had completely understood what this bandit was trying to do. But still, it came as a surprise that a bandit could come up with such an idea.

"I’ve looted piles of goods and killed stacks of people. I’ve also exterminated a large number of demons." Te Jofy looked into Qian Jin’s eyes, "Maybe you look down upon me. However, before acting as a bandit, I was a warrior too. Every ordinary warrior has an indelible dream of defeating bloodline warriors."

Yi walked up behind Te Jofy quietly, looked to Qian Jin in silence and nodded his head. He had long heard that the bandit group led by the Bandit King was distinctive from all other bandit groups, where the members would exchange fighting techniques to increase their overall strengths. But it was not until this moment did he believe in these rumors.

It was really enviable. Yi felt a feeling of envy toward Yi. The Frontier was basically a place where the power of one’s fist talked, whereas the current leaders in office might be finished off by his subordinates at any time.

It had been a unanimous law for all families in the Zence Empire and the Lucifer Empire to keep their training scrolls for fighting technique and warrior power as secrets.

More often than not, some of the bandit leaders might reserve a portion of warrior power training scroll for themselves, for fear that their underlings might usurp them and that the training scrolls might be looted in case such underlings were caught by the enemies.

With almost all other bandits in the Frontier, training scrolls of fighting technique and warrior were so invaluable that they were even reluctant to pass them down to their sons. But at the Bandit King’s headquarter, these treasures seemed coinless which could be sent to any person for free.

"It’ll take some time for them to come back." Te Jofy said while rubbing his throbbing stomach. "How about going to the training base with me."

"Training base?" Qian Jin wondered whether he wasn’t in a bandit group, but in an authorized agency in the Zence Empire, as there abounded numerous wonders.

"Training."Te Jofy nodded his head naturally, by doing which the fat on his chin started to wobble. "Training is required for bandits, which stands as the golden rule in our bandit group. Every bandit newly enrolled has to undergo half a year’s training before going out to complete tasks."

Training? Half a year’s time? Qian Jin wondered whether he was in an army dispatch of the Zence Empire. As per the references provided in the Qian Family, newly recruited soldiers in the Zence Empire would join a training course lasting for three months to half a year regardless of the illustrious performance achieved by such soldiers at the warrior academies.

No one, including the top-leveled bloodline warriors, could be exempted from the training spanning over three months to half a year. In case of failure to pass the training, the newly recruited soldiers might be kicked out of the army directly.

The bandits had to take the training which lasted for half a year? Qian Jin was really surprised. This Bandit King not only had bold guts but also harbored unexpected ways of behavior, seeing from which aspects this king lived up to be a king with aspirations.

The facilities provided here were more of a small-sized country, rather than a bandit group.

"Every newly recruited soldier has to take the half a year’s training, and in case he fails to pass the end-of-term test..." Te Jofy turned over his hands and shrugged his shoulder, "He will be expelled from our group."

Be expelled from the bandit group? Qian Jin raised his eyebrows, thinking that this Bandit King was really conducting normalized army management on his bandit group.

"Wusheng King told me to warn you that in case you fail the test, you will not only be kicked out of the bandit group." Te Jofy suddenly wore a serious face, "but also be killed. So will Hayen Brianna. Since they are saved by your value, they will lose their meaning of existence with your failure."

Hearing the word "kill" uttered by Te Jofy, Qian Jin knew it wasn’t a joke. Rather, it sounded like a warning from Yi.

"Our training includes two sections." Te Jofy lifted his arm and poked his forefinger and middle finger to form a scissors’ shape. "The first one refers to the practical drilling which lasts for roughly half a year. During the first one month, the trainees will find their most suitable orientation. And for the following five months, they will receive special training in that direction."

It was typical of the arm’s training. While listening, Qian Jin kept nodding his head. The training scheme of this bandit group was nearly identical to that of Zence Empire’s military forces.

The report card the students received from the academy and the remarks given by both teachers and the principal constituted just a source of reference for the army. In the army, all newly recruited soldiers had to take the half a year’s training, during which the first one month was designed to find out the respective features and development orientations of these newly recruited.

"The second part involves the test." Te Jofy marched forward shoulder to shoulder with Qian Jin. "It generally ensures the termination of the training as per the marks obtained in the training. Each type of test carries a different goal. While some are targeted at allocating positions, the others are designed for detecting potentials to see whether a bandit bears enormous potentials for being placed in a better position."

It was not until this moment did Qian Jin made it clear that the leadership of the first bandit group in the Frontier was not only attributed to Bhang Wusheng’s tremendous personal strengths but also his different style of expanding his influences.

Most bandit groups were developed for earning a living or muddling through the days, bearing no great expectations. While in the case of Bhang Wusheng, he was aiming at establishing more than a simple bandit group from the moment he got down to this business.

He was actually building an army. He was trying to set up his sole army in the Frontier.

"The building that resembled a small-sized earthy fort is the training base for newly recruited bandits." Te Jofy pointed at the plain looking fort built with yellow earth looming afar. "For the next six months, you will be trained by the barbarous instructors there. Of course..."

Te Jofy put on a sinister smile, "As a veteran bandit, I have to remind you that you shouldn’t treat anybody with generosity there, including those instructors."

"You must bear in mind not to treat anyone with benevolence." Te Jofy stopped outside the shabby fort and looked at Qian Jin with a serious face, "The bandit group isn’t like the academy where you need to listen to the teachers, the school provisions, and the principal. The bandits are a crowd of unprincipled people. In the bandit group..."

Te Jofy raised his right hand and placed it in front of Qian Jin. Then he slowly clenched the fingers into a fist, by doing which his joints gave out a string of cracks. "Those with the stronger fists have the right to discourse. We don’t need the mild-tempered bandits..."

"All right." Te Jofy smiled while looking at Qian Jin. "To tell the truth, to take you here for the registration is what I really intend to do apart from fighting with those two bandits. Remember what I have told you before going in. You can never ever have anyone take you as a push-over."

Qian Jin pushed open the heavy wood door, just to be caught by a husky beast-like roar amongst the silence of the surroundings. Then with a gust of wind, a stiff piece of timber which was tied to several ropes and was thicker than the thigh came upon Qian Jin’s chest.

Qian Jin raised his head and saw two bandits who were carrying this timber pile with a sinister smile on their faces. Through their eyes, Qian Jin could sense a touch of excitement triggered by the surprise of the sufferer.

Bang. As the lumber knocked hard on Qian Jin’s chest, the two bandits appeared more excited. Originally, they were trying to scare away the newcomer, however, this newly arrived trainee turned out such a weakling as he didn’t even react fast enough. It seemed that they could directly kick him out of the bandit group.

As the woodpile crashed onto Qian Jin’s chest, a dull sound which resembled a woodpile crashing onto the battlement rang in the air.


The two young bandits shouted loud and twinkled their eyes out of excitement as if they had visualized this new bandit trainee flying into the air and then flopping onto the ground while crying for pains ceaselessly.

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