Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 106 - Did I Just Raise A Flag?

As the cold blizzard continued to rampage about, John, Serena, Ariel and Master entered a strange cave. Everyone had a blank expression on their face, as they wondered, what was happening 

"U-Um, master... D-Didn\'t you say something about vacation and training?" Asked john with a worried expression 

There were strange paterns and runes in the cave walls, and he felt an immense amount of magic power coming from inside. 

Before master could answer, a familiar voice came from the inside of the cave 

"This is part of the training" 

Serena and Ariel freaked out when they heard the voice 

"W-We won\'t go easy on you just because you\'re a ghost!" Said Ariel 

"Saint-Class Fire magic..." Added Serena as her spell started to activate 

John who heard them get in battle mode, nearly panicked. 

"Wait" He said as he stared at the darkness within 

Footsteps could be heard approaching them, and as the face of the person became visible, john instantly recognised it. 



"Well, Time to enjoy our vacation as much as possible... We have a long year ahead of us." Said john as they all stared into the horizon 

That was a month ago. During that whole time, the four of them had been travelling by carriage. They hunted food, took baths in home made hot springs. Made especially by john. They went past many places, and overtime the environment began to change 

First it would be windy, then rainy, then cloudy, sunny and finally cold 

"Aren\'t the seasons way too inconsistent!? Is it because this is a fant- Hey master, when will we arrive?" John curiously asked 

"I was wondering the same thing." Added Ariel 

"True, it\'s been quite a while." Said serena 

John was mainly bothered by the fact that 1 month off his long awaited vacation was wasted, he wanted to go to the beach, or a nice sightseeing place, but he kept it to himself. 

"We\'re here." She said as the horses suddenly stopped 

"What?" The three simultaneously asked 

Without replying master hopped off the carriage, and without wasting any time, they did the same. 

They stopped right in the middle of a dead cold blizzard, if it wasn\'t for the winter clothes they bought in a nearby village, they would be freezing, or at least, without magic. 

John was perfectly fine in the cold, with or without the winter clothes, that was because ever since they entered the cold environment, he had always automatically circulated thermal energy throughout his body. 

"John, create a warm protective field for the horses" Said master 

And without wasting any time, John did 

"Crustallus aquae" Translation: Ice cube 

In an instant, an ice cube big enough to fit them and the horses including some trees were formed. Serena and Ariel were left speechless by how fast it was formed 

"John, did it form that fast because of the cold?" Ariel asked 

"Hm, I guess." John replied 

Serena and Ariel were shocked by his reply 

"I guess huh... I see, so you\'re spell formation speed has increased... Well I guess it\'s only natural" Said Serena with a blank expression 

"aer scelerisque" Translation: Thermal Air 

The air inside of the Ice cube which covered them all, became warmer. So much that you couldn\'t even tell that there was a blizzard outside. 

"Good, let\'s go." Said master as she cut open a hole in the cube for them to exit 

Ariel and Serena didn\'t even try to understand how unsurprised john\'s master\'s reaction was, and instead, thought of it as something normal. 

As they exited the cube, the hole which master had cut, Closed off by itself 

"John, won\'t the warm air inside cause it to the ice to melt and potentially evaporate?" Asked Ariel as she tested her knowledge 

"As long as I keep supplying the ice with magic, it should be fine, and it\'s not warm enough to evaporate the ice, but that was a good question" Said John 

"I see..." Said Ariel as she thought over her understandings 

Serena who watched also thought about what he had said. It was the basics that they were taught, but gaining a better understanding of them would always help. 

As the three followed their master they found themselves on the inside of a cave 



The familiar face, then spoke up 

"So you\'ve finally arrived. Do you know how long I\'ve been waiting here?" He asked 

"Master\'s brother..." Said John 

John was surprised to see master\'s brother. He suddenly disappeared after they had that encounter a year and a half ago. Master\'s brother looked slightly older but still had that young face. 

Serena and Ariel were very surprised, even more than when john had formed an ice cube in an instant. 

"John, why didn\'t you tell us master had a brother?" Serena whispered to the two 

"Because you never asked" John replied 

"He makes a fair point" Whispered Ariel 

"I can see that..." Whispered Serena 

"You know I can hear you right? We\'re in a cave, a quiet cave." Said master\'s brother 

The three nervously chuckled 

"Anyways, sis, I waited 2 weeks for this. Is he ready?" He asked 

Master then looked at john. John didn\'t understand what the two were talking about as master never went into detail about what they\'d be doing, where they\'d be going or what sort of training it would be. But in the end, all he could do was trust her. 

As scary as she was, john really respected her. 

"... He\'s... …. … ready." Said master 

"Why was there a delay?" John asked with a smile on his face 

His smile was to hide how worried he was, he knew something bad was coming from him. Whenever master was uncertain about something bad things would happen, and now she was really uncertain 

 "Alright, then it\'s your responsibility if anything bad happens, everyone follow me" Said master\'s brother as he walked deeper into the cave. 

John had a bad feeling but after coming all this way, there\'s no way he could back out. Especially not in front of Ariel and Serena who were watching. 

Master\'s brother led them deeper and deeper into the cave until they eventually reached a dead end, or rather, an edge. 

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